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Three good reasons to start eating hazelnuts

Cultivated since antiquity, hazel plants have always been appreciated for the rich taste and nutritional properties of their small fruits: hazelnuts. With many hidden health benefits, let’s take a look at 3 good reasons why eating hazelnuts is a good habit to have!

Eating Hazelnuts: Delicious and Nutritious
Thanks to the high levels of magnesium present in hazelnuts, eating them can help you maintain normal energy metabolism levels. Magnesium is, in fact, very important for some essential metabolic processes such as the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses.

A little boost for perfect skin!
The Vitamin E contained in hazelnuts is helpful in protecting the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Recovering your strength.
Hazelnuts have a very high caloric value, which makes them the perfect snack when you are looking for a boost after lots of physical activity. Eating these tasty little treats after sports or exercise can help you recover quickly and give you some extra energy to get through the day!


3 Environmental Impacts of a Plant-Forward Lifestyle

The growing popularity of a plant-based diet is not just because fresh veggies, tempeh and almond milk are more delicious than ever before. Though plant-based foods are tasty and full of nutritional value their environmental benefits have a huge impact. Here are three benefits to a plant-based lifestyle.
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